The Venom Journey:

Transformation of Growth, Development & Wellness

What is AVPA?

The Animal Venom Practitioner Association (AVPA) is a group of self-regulated practitioners who use animal venoms and frog secretions to create a transformative catalyst for their clients and communities to aid them in health goals, character growth and development and spirituality purposes.

Not one person, venom or practitioner are alike, so it is our mission to promote and bring awareness to the uses of venom, ethical sourcing, what to expect and connect you with resources and the growing network of practitioners.

While the use of venom dates back to earliest civilizations, the process of research and processing into pharmaceutical applications can be a lengthy operation with limitations. Approved drugs must be produced through regulatory agencies who face difficulties such as intellectual property disputes, changes in the program leadership, lack of funding, among other business decisions and even the acquisitions of venom and frog secretions.(1)

As of 2020, there are 11 patented toxin-based approved drugs - seven of which are synthethetic. Animal Venom Practitioners bridge the gap in the growing field of animal applications to serve those who are called towards ancient or homeopathic remedies electively or out of necessity.

Animal Secretions and Venom Modalities

The power of the venom and its varied uses is directly related to the type and amount of venom applied. Documented uses of venom include pain relief, alternative remedies regarding health status, hunting, warfare, development of antivenom, to even rituals and spirituality.

This holistic approach harnesses their natural bioactive peptides and enzymes. For centuries, bee venom has been used therapeutically in East Asia. In traditional Chinese medicine, scorpion venom is revered as a powerful remedy, historically applied to treat conditions ranging from eczema to epilepsy. Even Mithradates VI of Pontus, a legendary adversary of Rome and a noted expert in toxins, is said to have used steppe viper venom to halt bleeding from a potentially fatal battlefield wound.(2)

Throughout the 20th century, scientific and medical literature increasingly explored venom-based treatments for a variety of diseases. Research has demonstrated venoms' potential to combat cancer, kill bacteria, and act as powerful painkillers, although much of this work remains in the experimental phase, often limited to animal studies. (2)

Documented use includes those from scorpions, snails, snakes, lizards, frogs, bees, spiders & more. By working with the body’s innate responses to venom, this modality offers a unique path for those seeking alternative methods to aid in self-healing and/or personal development.

"The antihypertensive drug captopril was the first drug based on a bioactive component from snake venom that was approved in the US by the FDA in 1981 and in European countries from 1984 onwards. The realization that envenoming by the South American pit viper jararaca (Bothrops jararaca) caused notable hypotension led to the discovery of the vasodilator peptide bradykinin in its venom."** (3)

**Oliveira, A.L., Viegas, M.F., da Silva, S.L. et al. The chemistry of snake venom and its medicinal potential. Nat Rev Chem 6, 451–469 (2022).

"It is possible that the product of the serpent may be everything needed for the healing of man."

- James Taylor Kent,

Physician and Homeopathist

An introduction and demonstration of the administration process. We do not treat, cure, or diagnose any disease or illness.

Safety, Training, and Considerations

Commitment to Responsible Venom Use: At the heart of venom practice is a commitment to client safety and well-being. The use of venom in restorative settings is carefully administered by trained practitioners who follow stringent safety protocols. Responsible venom use also includes safety and well-being of the animal. Practitioners who source their venom through the AVPA have developed a relationship with venom extractors. Venom production is a huge metabolic process on the animal, and therefore venom is not milked from the respective animal if they are not of maturity and only done yearly.

Client Health and Informed Consent: Practitioners thoroughly assess each client’s health, discuss administration, setting, and ensure the client provides informed consent before any session. This conversation allows clients to fully understand the administration process and decide if they'd like more support pre or post venom administration. The mission of toxin based care is to bring the body back into homeostasis, elevate immunity, and enhance feelings of overall wellbeing. Therefore, it's important to note that your experience will not be similar to a simple healthcare visit where a symptom is easily prescribed with a pill.

Equally, each toxin transformation is unique. Results will vary based on individual goals, status of health, and integration methods. Venom is administered at micro-dosed levels and increased after initial administrations. Bloodwork and lab results are often used for those receiving multiple administrations focused towards self-healing. This allows clients to test and not guess if toxin care is beneficial towards their goals and ensure their blood levels are safe for continued administrations.

Training and Risk Minimization: Practitioners undergo intensive training that covers not only the potential applications of venom but also includes dosing precision, client monitoring, hands-on training, self-administration, research, toxicology, pre and post administration practices and reviewing client testimonies and protocols. This education helps practitioners anticipate and reduce potential adverse reactions, maintaining the highest safety standards.

Important Considerations

Allergies to Venom: Individuals with known severe allergies to specific animal venoms (e.g., bee, scorpion) are generally advised to discuss other modalities of support with your practitioner.

Pregnancy: Pregnant individuals are generally advised against venom therapy due to potential risks to the mother and child.

Currently Under Physician Care: It's important to disclose any current medical care you may be undergoing, as well as current medications and supplements to avoid contraindications.


Finding Your Practitioner

What to Look For

Always discuss where your practitioner received their training and their experiences with toxin administration.

Ask where they source their toxins from as products like bee venom and kambo are frequently sold on the internet and are diluted improperly or fake all together.

Kambo ceremonies are held fasted and hydrated. However, over hydration is the main cause of adverse reactions in Kambo ceremonies.

Most venoms are refrigerated and kept cold from venom extraction. Some venoms are lyophilized and reconstituted for administration.

Venom exposed to heat loses its integrity and therapeutic potential, take into consideration the location of your ceremony.


“For Leslye, the ceremony addressed inflammation that was slowing her recovery from an injury. After the first dose, her pain and discomfort disappeared. With two additional doses, her night sweats vanished, something that she had struggled with for years and her sleep improved significantly.

Outside of some light discomfort when the gates were created to allow absorption of the venom, the process was painless.”

-Couple from Austin, Texas

“In May 2023, I developed a lump in my throat. I was depressed and on constant alert in a house I felt unsafe in. The lump was there for four months before I started venom dosing.

That first week, the lump started to dissipate. With combined venom and integration coaching, I moved out of the house. I continued venom and kambo and the lump was gone by 2024."

-Venom Administrator

Jax, FL

“When I was in the military and going abroad, we'd be given shots. As a result, I had skin tags that grew on my body in uncomfortable places. For 20 years, I had them because the only available treatments may cause permanent damage to that body part.

I did 1 gate of kambo, the next morning I went in the shower and saw my skin tags were completely gone."

-Venom Administrator

Detroit, Michigan